Who Is Eligible for the Wells Fargo Active Cash Credit Card?

If you are an old customer of Wells Fargo Bank, you should know the Active Cash Credit Card eligibility.  

Eligible for the Wells Fargo Active Cash Credit Card?

In this short article, we are focusing to new customers how they eligible and what is the road map to be eligible for the particular benefits.

The bank has Tough policies and procedures about all banking relation with its all customers, but having a good financial track record will definitely help new customer to reach the eligibility bar with short span of time.  

So without further delay, let's get started. 

The Wells Fargo Active Cash Credit Card has specific eligibility requirements. Here's a breakdown of the key points: 

Main Requirement:

Be a primary account holder of an existing Wells Fargo consumer account: This could include checking or savings accounts, loans, or other credit cards. 

However, the specific eligible accounts can vary, so it's recommended to contact Wells Fargo directly for confirmation of your eligibility. 

What is The Starting Limit for Wells Fargo Active Cash?

While Wells Fargo doesn't disclose a specific starting limit for the Active Cash Credit Card, it's widely reported to be at least $1,000. However, the actual credit limit you'll be approved for depends on several factors, including: 

Your Credit Score: A higher credit score typically leads to a higher credit limit.

Your Income: A higher income demonstrates your ability to repay the debt, potentially increasing your limit. 

Your Credit History: A good credit history, including responsible credit card usage and on-time payments, can also contribute to a higher limit. 

Existing Relationship with Wells Fargo: Having other accounts with them, like checking or savings, might influence the starting limit. 

What is The Average Credit Limit for a Wells Fargo Active Cash Card?

According to Credit Karma, the average credit limit for those approved for the Wells Fargo Active Cash Card is around $5,539. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I Need a Good Credit Score to be Eligible for the Wells Fargo Active Cash Credit Card?

While a minimum credit score isn't officially stated, the card generally requires good creditworthiness. Having a FICO Score available to Wells Fargo and a history of responsible credit card usage will increase your chances of approval. 

What's The Minimum Credit Limit for the Wells Fargo Active Cash Card?

There's no publicly available information about a minimum credit limit. However, it's widely reported to be at least $1,000 but it depends on financial factors like your credit score and income. 

What's The Average Credit Limit for The Wells Fargo Active Cash Card?

Based on user data from sources like Credit Karma, the average credit limit for approved applicants is around $5,539. Remember, this is just an average, and your individual limit will vary based on your financial situation.

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